Meet Leadership Middle Tennessee's Class of 2024
Nashville, TN: Forty-two Middle Tennesseans have been selected for the Leadership Middle TennesseeClass of 2024. These community leaders will soon embark on an eleven-month experiential journey to learn more about the ten counties in Middle Tennessee. The class will begin with a two-day opening retreat on August 24-25, 2023.
“Now more than ever, it’s important to understand the people and the issues that comprise and affect our region,” said Lee Rucks, President of Leadership Middle Tennessee. “These class members have an amazing opportunity to learn more about each of our ten counties and, in the process, themselves as leaders. It’s an important part of making a difference in our communities.”
The 2024 class members are listed below by county:
Cheatham: Bill Anderson-Nabholz Construction Corporation, Archibold Marowa-Hiscall Inc. Davidson: Gavin Baxter-JE Dunn Construction, Raquel Beck-Pinnacle Financial Partners, Paige Bernick-Lewis Thomason PC, Phillip Branch-Merrill Lynch, Suzannah Gills-Turner Construction Company, Harry Perret-The Oak Tree Advisors, Selina Staub-Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Lindsay Youngbauer-Woodmont Investment Counsel. Dickson: Stacey Levine-Healthy Parks Healthy Person, Sommer Pearson-Dickson Arts Council. Maury: Wesley Bryant-Parks, Bryant, & Snyder PLLC, Michael Franks-TriStar Bank, Travis Groth-Maury County Chamber & Economic Alliance. Montgomery: Curtis Glenn-Clarksville Police Department, Robert Huffman-Nova Technologies, Rylan Kean-Millan Enterprises LLC, Cheryl Lankford-Legends Bank, Erin Yow-Hilldale Christian Child Care Center. Robertson: Mandy Christenson-White House Area Chamber of Commerce, Keifus Malone-Owens Corning, Adele Watts-The Springfield Woolen Mills/Southern States Construction. Rutherford: Colleen Dudley-Habitat for Humanity of Tennessee, Charles Frazier-Law Offices of Charles R. Frazier, Chad Hill-Volunteer State Bank, Janet Kincherlow-Martin-Urban League of Middle Tennessee, Lori Williams-Middle Tennessee Electric. Sumner: John Isbell-Sumner County Government, Wendy Navarro-Navarro Creative Group, Ray Tate-FirstBank, Jordan Woodruff-Cumberland Capital Partners. Williamson: A.J. Bahou-Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, Kel McDowell-Williamson Inc., Doris McMillan-New Hope Academy, Jennifer Shepard-First Farmers & Merchants Bank, Kevin Townsel-City of Franklin. Wilson: Chris Crowell-Liberty State Bank, Ray Render-Congressman John Rose, Lauren Smith-Charis Health Center, Courtney Wheeler-Cumberland University. At Large: Heather Bay-Direct Flight Solutions LLC.
The organization has also named six new members to its board to serve three-year appointments. They include Brooke Barrett – LMT 2017, Williamson County; James Fenton – LMT 2008, Sumner County; Robyn Graham – LMT 2019, Maury County; Cara Ince – LMT 2015, Davidson County; Jackie Morgan – LMT 2022, Rutherford County, and Gina Anzaldua – LMT 2023, Cheatham County.
Leadership Middle Tennessee is a regional leadership program founded to engage community and business leaders in the 10-county region of Middle Tennessee. The program starts with a series of 10 monthly day-and-a-half issues-focused sessions designed to give participants a greater understanding of the critical issues in the region, motivating them to use their skills to become regionally engaged. Participating counties are Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Maury, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson Counties. One class of approximately 40 members is selected each year.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Lee Rucks, President, Leadership Middle Tennessee, 615-782-6799 or president@leadmt.org